Monday, July 08, 2013

SOLVED: Bittorrent Sync performance over a LAN

I have multiple Linux and Windows 7 machines on my local LAN which I use Bittorrent Sync in order to keep certain files synchronized. Bittorrent Sync is a fantastic way of keeping files synchronized across multiple devices (either LAN or WAN) without there being a central server of some form (like Google Drive or DropBox, for example).

One often misunderstood aspect is the mechanism of file synchronisation is not simply a file copy. This is the Bittorrent protocol and can sync multiple files at once and/or uploads/downloads different sections of the file to different hosts simultaneously (who themselves also upload/download of course). Another incredibly useful thing that is often overlooked is the .SyncIgnore file (especially when dealing with Windows shares) which is placed in the root of the shared folder and applies to all subfolders as well and can be used to define which files should be ignored by the synchronization process, say thumbs.db or desktop.ini on Windows, for example (which are not sync'ed by default).

The default .SyncIgnore file is :
This is a big time saver for sync'ing large directory structures.

The net effect is a fantastically efficient mechanism, especially across the LAN.

The main usage is SO simple... on one host, add a folder and generate the public key for that folder, then on the other hosts add a folder and specify the main hosts public key. That's it. There are other options like the ability to set up the folder in read-only mode (or a key that only lasts 24 hours for example).

Another thing to watch out for if you're not getting the LAN performance you expect is to turn off the encryption of LAN traffic, by creating a btsync.conf (on linux) with JSON content of the form :
  "device_name": "My Sync Device",
  "listening_port" : 0,

  "storage_path" : "/home/user/.sync",

  "check_for_updates" : true,
  "use_upnp" : true,

  "download_limit" : 0,
  "upload_limit" : 0,

  "webui" :
    "listen" : "",
    "login" : "admin",
    "password" : "password"
  "lan_encrypt_data" : false
and then running btsync with the --config option, i.e.
$ ./btsync --config btsync.conf
On Windows you can set this parameter within the UI via Preferences -> Advanced and toggling lan_encrypt_data to false. On my system this made at least a 10x increase in LAN performance. See for further details.

Sometimes, as well, I did have trouble sync'ing windows and linux clients. I'm not 100% sure why this would be, but one thing that significantly helped (and is probably a really good security idea anyway) is specifying pre-determined hosts, i.e. state that only (or whatever) can sync the folder.


Unknown said...

Can you Please tell us what speed you had and have.(before and after the lan encrypt data false)I can't get more then 1.2MB my internet upload limit :( (before and after)

Unknown said...

PLS help me i cant get speed more than 58 KB/s.

Computers are not connected through LAN. Both The Computers are far away.