Sunday, June 24, 2007

Flock and the social web

Being an Ubuntu Linux user, i'm a big advocate of Open-Source Software (OSS). As such, I'm a big fan of the Firefox web browser. Being OSS, of course, part of the revolutionary business model of this kind of software is it's ease of being copied, modified, hacked and redistributed as a completely different bit of software (as long as the original licence is still in place of course). Firefox (and other Mozilla technologies) is no different. I recently used the Flock web browser, and am quite impressed. The current version at time of writing is 0.7.14, and is based on firefox, but has various features which facilitates the various social networking services out there, from blogs (indeed, this very blog post was done from within Flock) to social sites such as

Over and above that, apart from the Ricky Gervais show (read last post), it's been a fairly quiet weekend, went to Mr. Clown's again on Saturday for a couple of hours, and went to a 50th birthday meal (not mine, I hasten to add...) today.

Oh, and the various people who've emailed me on when the new fortean site ( will be active (thanks for the interest, by the way!), I'm putting the final touches to it now, so it'll be in the next week or so...

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