Saturday, August 19, 2006


Just watched Doom, the movie adaptation of the computer game (yes, I know it's been out for ages, but I don't get much time to go to the flicks these days). Being a big fan of this game going back years (and many sleepless nights on multi-player games while at Uni) , I was concerned this would just be a cash-driven tie-in, and while it is that to some extent, the movie itself isn't as bad as I expected. Sure, "The Rock " is no Larry Olivier, but this movie suits him, all action, playing the big tough marine-type.

Plus, there's the cracking "in-game" sequence towards the end, which is a great touch, and the special effects (as you may expect from modern film-makers) are great too. Okay, it's not as
atmospheric as films like Aliens, which pretty much cover the same ground, but it does work.

Yeah, all in all, well worth the rental money.

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